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The IPRs belong to Dr Syed Sajjad Haider Zaidi of Pakistan Navy Engineering College (PNEC), NUST, Karachi. Transformers are a fundamental and one of the most essential constituents of electricity distribution and transmission system. Condition-based health monitoring of electrical transformers for faults before their occurrence can prevent damages that not only eventuate the loss of power supply but also cause defects in the system that are costly to overhaul. This system is able to reflect the health of transformers during its operation in real time as a component of smart grid, using intrusive and non-intrusive parameters, so that engineers can take proper preventive measures before minor issues become major faults. It may be noted that due to currently nonexistent health monitoring of Pole Mounted Transformers, considerable loss is incurred due to failure of these PMTs as well as the resulting disruption to consumers.
NUST had transferred 5 IPRs to the industry earlier this year, and 7 in 2018. This latest transfer of 3 IPRs to industry has taken the overall count to 15.
December 13, 2019